Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Higher Milk Yield - Cows

Modern Dairy Farming

Milch animal yield poor in the Indian sub-continent!

900 kg per year V/s 9000 kg per year (Local average v/s Global average)

Why is the yield poor?

What are milk farmers in leading milk producing nations, namely in Europe, talking with regard to yield…

Study by Cornell University shows that dairy cows using the DeLaval Swinging Cow Brush (SCB) register higher milk production and lower clinical mastitis cases.

The study compared different groups of cows housed in pens using the Swinging Cow Brush to the similar reference groups kept in identical pens under the exact same conditions but without the SCB. The research team concluded that second lactation cows using the SCB showed a significant and increasing difference in daily milk production of up to +1kg per day.

"The Swinging Cow Brush provided a favourite pass time for the cows in this herd. It was fun to watch their interaction with this grooming device.

The added benefit of increased production and reduced clinical mastitis makes me think that every farmer should utilize the Cow Brush to make the cows and themselves a bit happier" said Ynte H. Schukken, Professor of Herd Health at Cornell University.

Installation of the SCB resulted in an immediate increase in cow grooming behavior. Farm workers noticed instantly the frequent, intense use of the brushes and the eagerness of the cows to use them, according to the Cornell research team. A second major finding was the significant drop in clinical mastitis cases (over 30%) among second and older lactation cows housed in pens with a SCB present.

According to the study investment made on SCB can be covered several times over by the profits made through increased milk production and the cost savings achieved through mastitis prevention. Additionally, the SCB keeps cows clean, active, calm and more balanced.

Mind you milk yield is already high in Europe Milch animals yet these leaders are experimenting and finding solutions to increase Milk yield – What about the dairy farmers in the Indian subcontinent? What are they talking?

Do post your comments.

1 comment:

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